Cosmopolitics and Justapositionin the Proposal of the Plurinational State of Bolivia


  • Salvador Schavelzon Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Dirección postal: Rua Galeno de Almeida, 107/81A, Pinheiros, São Paulo, SP, CEP 05410030


In this paper I analyze the plurinationality proposal as a kind of State control that seeksto self-regulate its own sovereignty, allowing autonomy and pluralism as guiding principles. Reviewing recent literature related to the so called ontological turn in anthropology, I address the case of constitutional proposals of indigenous people and peasants in Bolivia. From there, I realize the need to articulate approaches that are based on the incommensurability of worlds and ontologies to those developed in scenarios of juxtaposition and combination of difference.


Ontologies, Cosmopolitics, Plurinationality, Bolivia, Constitution