Interregionalism and its limits


  • Giovanni Molano Cruz United Nations University-Comparative Regional Integration Studies


The actions undertaken between regions to establish agreements and to institutionalize relations are a constant of the contemporary internationalorder. This article puts forward a panorama of the academic debate around the relationship between regions. The first part presents the main arguments which sustain the notion of interregionalism. The second part exposes some ideas about its analytical limits. The conclusion highlights that the analytical approach of interregionalism is in need of further refinement by empirical studies. The regional processes in America and Europe and the studies of the relationships between Europe Union and Latin America illustrate some reflections.


interregionalism, regionalism, global governance, European Union, Latin American external policy.

Author Biography

Giovanni Molano Cruz, United Nations University-Comparative Regional Integration Studies

Diplomado en sociología, Universidad Nacional de Colombia; M.A. en estudios del desarrollo, Instituto Universitario de Estudios del Desarrollo, Ginebra y en relaciones internacionales, Universidad de París 1 Panteón-Sorbona; Doctor (c) en ciencia política, Universidad París 1 Panteón-Sorbona