Hacia un neoaislacionismo


  • Joaquín Fermandois Instituto de Historia, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


After the Cold War, we have seen the United States move towards isolationism. This country does not know how to establish a long-term foreign policy, with more intangible challenges than those it had in previous decades. The danger that the Iraq crisis has shown us - in addition to the air of arrogance and the danger that the stagnation will inflame uncontrollable forces - is that the United States as a political society is moving toward neo-isolationism. It defines its international interests in a very narrow sense, and disdains a slower, more irritating and laborious international consultation, but the only one that conforms, in the long term, to the structure of the international system and the final character of modern society.


United States, Foreign Policy, Iraq War, Neo-isolationism, National Interest

Author Biography

Joaquín Fermandois, Instituto de Historia, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Licenciado en historia, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso;  doctor en historia por la Universidad de Sevilla; profesor titular de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile;  miembro de número de la Academia Chilena de la Historia.