Relaciones internacionales y transición política


  • Carlos E. Pérez Llana Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires


The literature related to the political transition has generally ignored the external variable, thus the political-social and economic aspects have been privileged, in order to analyze the accelerating or reducing role that they play in the consolidation of transitions. Because each transition process has its own peculiarity, the importance of comparative analysis of these experiences is highlighted, which today are abundantly treated by the political essence. This presentation of the international question tries to link the external variable and the transition processes. In this paper, a comparative analysis of the association between the beginning of the political transition and foreign affairs is carried out in the cases of Argentina, Greece and Portugal, to then focus on the particular case of Latin America.


International Relations, Political Transition, Foreign Policy, Comparative Analysis, Latin America

Author Biography

Carlos E. Pérez Llana, Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires

Director del Programa de Postgrado en Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ex director de la Cancillería Argentina para América Latina.