Las relaciones de Estados Unidos con las potencias medianas en América Latina : los casos de México y Brasil


  • Mónica Hirst FLACSO Argentina


The international insertion of Latin America in the 1970s was marked by important transformations. The more general phenomena allowed some countries in the area to assume a new space for external action. This paper examines the impact that this scenario has caused on the relations of the United States with a category of countries that at this stage came to deserve the denomination of "medium powers", "semi-industrialized countries", "new industrialized countries" or even "emerging countries", focusing attention on the two countries most markedly classified in this category: Mexico and Brazil, since we consider that the set of transformations that allowed a new international projection of both nations had in common an economic restructuring and a political redefinition of its ties with the United States.


United States, Middle Powers, Brazil, Mexico, Bilateral Relations

Author Biography

Mónica Hirst, FLACSO Argentina

Investigadora del Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Río de Janeiro y del Área de Relaciones Internacionales de FLACSO, Buenos Aires.