Líneas generales de la política externa del Brasil


  • José Carlos Brandi Aleixo Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad de Brasilia


This paper presents the elements that historically shape Brazilian foreign policy and the modifications that it has suffered throughout history under the separate or concomitant influence of endogenous and exogenous forces. Among them, geographical and economic factors stand out. We argue that the general dimensions of its foreign policy are a consequence of its assumed condition as a Latin American, Atlantic, Portuguese-speaking, multiracial, Christian, Western and developing country and that perhaps the main characteristic of Brazil is its diversity, multiplicity and versatility of its dimensions. All this has as a consequence its Universalist vocation, also based on the multiplicity of ethnic groups present in its history and made up today of a single language and nationality.

Author Biography

José Carlos Brandi Aleixo, Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad de Brasilia

Profesor del Departamento de Relaciones Inernacionales de la Universidad de Brasilia.  Autor de diversas obras sobre las relaciones internacionales de Centroamerica, la politica exterior de los paises latinoamericanos y otras obras.