Cooperación para el desarrollo : algunas reflexiones y propuestas


  • Jorge A. Sábato
  • Dante Caputo
  • Jorge Federico Sábato


Based on some reflections on the nature and purposes of cooperation for the integral development of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), based on a brief analysis of its main historical and political background and a definition of its scope, restrictions and limits, The purpose of this document is to present to the consideration of the Committee of Experts of the Organization of American States some proposals that could serve as elements of an action plan to promote such cooperation. The most important of these proposals is the one that consists of structuring this cooperation plan not based on certain areas (economic, social, scientific, cultural, etc.) but on certain central problems of underdevelopment in LAC, such as illiteracy, poverty, dependency, oppression, militarism, natural resources, etc.


Latin America and the Caribbean, Inter-American Relations, Organization of American States, Cooperation Plan, Development

Author Biographies

Jorge A. Sábato

Científico nuclear argentino, autor de importantes obras sobre ciencia, tecnología y desarrollo.

Dante Caputo

Cientista social, miembro de la Fundación Bariloche.

Jorge Federico Sábato

Sociólogo argentino, miembro del CISEA.