Discurso pronunciado con motivo de la celebración del día de las Naciones Unidas, en Santiago el día 24 de octubre de 1980


  • Germánico Salgado Ministerio de Industria, Comercio e Integración de Ecuador


The 1980s began with a vivid awareness of interdependence and a sense of urgency that emanates from the unusual magnitude of the problems all countries are facing. None of these problems can be dealt with or negotiated in isolation. It is necessary to approach solutions simultaneously to consider the interests of all, and in this negotiation the global strategy and the regional strategies prepared by the regional economic commissions will serve as a guideline for the search for consensus, in an effort that will undoubtedly be the most important international act of the contemporary world. There is no other way to cope with those problems effectively. The evolution of the United Nations towards a global leadership and control role is a need that cannot be ignored in multiple spheres of international activity.


United Nations, Latin America, International System, Interdependence, International Negotiations

Author Biography

Germánico Salgado, Ministerio de Industria, Comercio e Integración de Ecuador

Ministro de industria, comercio e integración de Ecuador.