Perspectivas económicas de América Latina y sus implicaciones para los Estados Unidos


  • Enrique V. Iglesias CEPAL


To understand Latin America, it is necessary to understand the great diversity that is enclosed within its fundamental unity. Their differentiations have tended to be accentuated during the last decades as a consequence of the dynamism shown by their economic development processes, which has turned it into a semi-industrialized region, becoming considered a sort of "middle class of nations"; consequently, their interests are not adequately reflected in the initiatives and measures proposed within the framework of North-South relations. Hence, one of the great challenges for Latin America is finding a new location in the international context. We maintain that this necessarily happens through the existence of an open world economy, in which the competitiveness and comparative advantages of the various countries in their different stages of development are respected, and very particularly, by the United States.


Latin America, Development, Industrialized Countries, World Economy, United States

Author Biography

Enrique V. Iglesias, CEPAL

Secretario ejecutivo de la CEPAL.