Cómo romper la impasse en las negociaciones económicas multilaterales Norte-Sur


  • W. W. Rostow Universidad de Austin, Texas


North-South multilateral economic negotiations are currently stalled and, with minor exceptions, have proven to be sterile. We have reached the current impasse in the negotiations on a path that is now tolerably clear. The thesis of this essay is that a different conceptual framework and, derived from it, a negotiation agenda and a team of negotiators that are also different will be required, in the event that such negotiations are to achieve the great purposes that the realities of global interdependence they rationally impose. We also argue that a revision will be required in the domestic economic policies of the advanced industrial countries of the North


North-South Relations, Developed Countries, Developing Countries, International Negotiation, Interdependency

Author Biography

W. W. Rostow, Universidad de Austin, Texas

Autor de "Las etapas del crecimiento económico" y otras obras pioneras en el campo del desarrollo, es actualmente profesor de la Universidad de Austin, Texas.