La tarea inconclusa : América Latina integrada


  • Felipe Herrera Profesor, Universidad de Chile


We believe that the dimension of an Integrated Latin America, in terms of its foundations, its difficulties and its internal and external projections, has not yet been sufficiently analyzed and understood, a limitation that has created a serious obstacle in a unifying process that to date It has been done rather under the sign of the geopolitical and technical-economic. The theory and practice for our effective integration are still "unfinished business." Fortunately, there is a history of this process that allows us to look at the future with optimism of these matters; on the other hand, we live today in an international and hemispheric scenario that allows us to intensifying them; and finally, there are formulas that allow us to revitalize the action that we must carry out, which should serve as the basis for programming a General Treaty on the Economic Integration of Latin America.


Latin America, Integration, International Relations, Integration Models, Community of Latin American States

Author Biography

Felipe Herrera, Profesor, Universidad de Chile

Es profesor de la Universidad de Chile y de la Universidad Católica de Santiago. Está preparando una obra sobre el tema que trata el artículo. Entre sus libros se cuentan: América Latina integrada, Nacionalismo latinoamericano, El desarrollo de América Latina y su financiamiento, Chile en América Latina, y, por último, Nacionalismo, regionalismo e internacionalismo: América Latina en el contexto internacional.Fue ministro de hacienda de Chile y presidente del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID).  Actualmente es miembro del comité organizador de la Universidad Internacional de las Naciones Unidas.