El Ejército Popular de Liberación y la revolución cultural


  • John Gittings Profesor investigador, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile


The Chinese Cultural Revolution has produced many unanswered questions; Perhaps the most provocative and enigmatic are those referring to the role of the People's Liberation Army in this political cataclysm. Throughout most of the Cultural Revolution, the People's Liberation Army has played a role to which it was already accustomed in the preceding years, that of setting the pace of the political step. However, the ambiguous role played by the People's Liberation Army during the Cultural Revolution also casts doubt on its homogeneity and essential loyalty to the central authorities.


China, Cultural Revolution, People's Liberation Army, Mao Tse-Tung, Asia

Author Biography

John Gittings, Profesor investigador, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile

Es profesor investigador de asunlos de Asia en el lnstituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile. Sus principales publicaciones incluyen: The role of the Chinese army, Oxford University Press, 1967. La versión castellana aparecerá este año bajo el sello de la Comisión Central de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Chile. Actualmente se encuentra en Hong-Kong escribiendo un libro sobre la política exterior de China.