Post-Soviet Ukraine in the light of critical geopolitics


  • Juan David Otálora Sechague Universidad del Rosario


The political events in Ukraine that sparked a civil war in the east of the country and brought as one of the most visible consequences of the separation of the Crimea and its subsequent annexation to the Russian Federation, can be analyzed from the internal division of the elite and the Ukrainian population during the Cold War. This fact explains, from the critical geopolitics, by the divergent interpretation of space that aroused a double fragmentation: territorial (east/west) and blocks (political elite/citizenship), which has prevented the emergence of a strong and independent organization. The result of this double tension is the emergence of what is called a “bipolar state”, which is precisely the essential characteristic of Ukraine in the post-Soviet era.


Ukraine, geopolitics, Cold War, bipolar state, national identity

Author Biography

Juan David Otálora Sechague, Universidad del Rosario

Politólogo con énfasis en participación ciudadana de la Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá-Colombia. Joven investigador del Centro de Estudios Políticos e Internacionales (CEPI) y profesor de cátedra de la Facultad de Ciencia Política, Gobierno y Relaciones Internacionales de la misma universidad