Music Education in the Brazilian School System: Historical Aspects, Educational Legislation and Current Challenges


  • Sergio Figueiredo Universidad Estatal de Santa Catarina


General topics about the Brazilian music education are discussed focusing upon the regular school system. The article briefly presents historical aspects regarding the presence of music teaching in the Brazilian school system. Besides federal laws related to the orientation of the music teaching process in different periods are discussed. The author seeks to identify current challenges facing the Brazilian music education system arising from the passing of a specific federal law that established music as a compulsory component of the school curriculum. Official orientations for music education in different historical periods of the Brazilian school system are briefly outlined on the basic of several documents, so as establish specific topics for the discussion of these current challenges. Reflection upon the experience of the past and overcoming the challenge of implementing music education for all in the school system are the fundamental elements that should be considered for the application of democratic proposals for music education in Brazilian schools.


music education, Brazilian school, educational legislation