La aplicación de las reglas sobre interpretación de los tratados a la luz de la sentencia sobre excepciones preliminares en el caso entre Somalia v. Kenia
The judgment on preliminary objection was pronounced by the International Court of Justice on 2 February 2017. In this sentence, the Court rejected all the preliminary objections presented by Kenya. One of the most important task realized by the Court in every judgment is the work of interpretation of treaties. In the present case, the interpretation was relevant for the purpose of determinate both, why the Court has jurisdiction and why all the preliminary objections should be rejected. The interpretation according to the rules of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, in particular the Articles 31 and 32, are the purpose of the present study in relationship to its application in this case, particularly in the interpretation of the MOU.
interpretación de los tratados, Convención de Viena (artículos 31 y 32), Memorándum de entendimiento (MOU)
Author Biography
Francisco Lertora Pinto
Abogado. Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad de Chile.
Lertora Pinto, F. (2018). La aplicación de las reglas sobre interpretación de los tratados a la luz de la sentencia sobre excepciones preliminares en el caso entre Somalia v. Kenia. Revista Tribuna Internacional, 6(12).